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  • Funding Support for Sustainability Projects

    Are you part of a community or community group that is looking for help to become more sustainable, or to start creating projects that will help your community become more sustainable? Projects like community gardens, community pantry & energy schemes have all benefited from funding support, and you could too!


How to find guidance & apply for funding

Are you seeking to explore funding sources for community projects?  Our Funding and Development Officer may be able to help with each step of the funding process, from identifying potential funders to reporting back to funders.

For advice, please complete the form at the bottom of this page, or email

Although written with the heritage sector in mind, the Inspiring Fundraising website is an excellent resource for those seeking funding for climate action projects. They have provided a detailed step-by-step manual about how to research and apply for funding. 

Kickstart your project!

Are you looking for starter funding to kickstart a new project?

As well as being able to help you identify potential funding sources, NESCAN Hub also has funding available as seed funding for new projects in the North East of Scotland.

Seed Funding is now closed but will reopen soon.

Read more about past projects that have benefited from NESCAN's Seed Funding here.

community garden member holding basket of vegetables

Key funding websites & sources


The National Lottery

The National Lottery provides funding for voluntary or community groups with a written constitution as well as those with charitable status. Awards for All grants can now be up to £20k

 Home | The National Lottery Community Fund (

Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)

Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) maintain a free online funding search engine at Funding Scotland, with some information restricted to members only.


Aberdeen City's third sector interface, Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO) has a wealth of funding information available on their website. 


Aberdeenshire's third sector interface, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action (AVA) have lots of funding information and host a funding search engine, including local funders such as windfarms, on their website.

Foundation Scotland

Foundation Scotland have a diverse range of funding programmes waiting to benefit communities across Scotland. With donors representing a broad spectrum of aims and wishes, the funds available range in size, intent and purpose.


Greenspace Scotland

Greenspace Scotland focus on funding sources for greenspaces. Find out more here.


We support not-for-profit community-based organisations to explore climate action projects, or to make their organisations more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Please become a member of our Network to receive free information, support and updates. Click here to join.

We can provide support at all stages of the funding process, from designing aims and objectives, project planning, identifying suitable potential funding sources, preparing applications, planning monitoring, evaluation and learning systems, and preparing accounts and reports for funders.

Climate action encompasses all sorts of activities that help to create more sustainable and resilient communities, to address inequalities and and to protect and enhance nature and the environment. 

Climate action is many things at many different levels. Climate action tackles the causes and consequences of climate change. It is about reducing carbon emissions and changing the way we live to create more inclusive and sustainable societies that respect, protect and enhance nature. Climate action is about civic, political and business leaders taking the decisions necessary to reduce our harmful impact on the climate and environment and communities holding those in power accountable for these decisions. Climate action is all of these things, and more.

Mitigation refers to actions that reduce the use of greenhouse gases, such as switching to renewable energy and burning less fossil fuel.  

Adaptation refers to actions that will help us to cope with the impact of climate change, like building resilient infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather conditions.

Support request form