Understanding the Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund 2022
Join NESCAN HUB and experts to hear what the Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund means for your community.
Learn all about the new Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund and how your group and community could benefit from it in this online event.
The Scottish Government Just Transition Fund aims to transform our future in the coming years enabling a just transition to net zero, affecting our jobs, the way we live and the way we do business. This transformation can be an opportunity to build a wealthier, healthier and fairer Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which everyone decides directly how to spend an allocated amount of money. Put simply, PB is local people having a direct say in how public money is spent.
In this capital green PB fund, community groups can put in proposals allowing them to buy goods that will improve their community or North East Scotland as a portion or whole, while helping to combat climate change and enhance nature.
There is £333,333 to be spent by the communities on projects in each of Moray, Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire. Once the proposals are in, everyone in a local authority area can vote to say which community projects will get funded in that area. It is all about communities making choices about what they want to happen in their local area.
This event will address the following questions:
What is the Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund?
How does Participatory Budgeting work?
Who can apply?
What are the key dates?
What can the fund cover?
Join NESCAN Hub and a range of experts to gain an overview of the Fund, discuss the answers to the above questions and any other queries you may have.
There is a range of other information and drop-in events being organised to help communities develop bids for the Fund. You can get all the details on our website: www.nescan.org/pb very soon.
For any queries please contact, NESCAN HUB Community Development and Funding Officer Rachel Smith at rachel@nescan.org
When and where
Register HERE: Looking forward to speaking to you